Friday, September 9, 2011

At the Follicles

I remember the day I went to get a haircut at the Follicles in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, a hairsalon relatively close to our temple. My hairdresser, Jennifer, struck up a conversation and for the next half hour we had an engaging, sincere, heart-to-heart talk about the turns and trials of our destinies, and the experiences of redemption and triumph. I was touched, she was touched. For that brief time we experienced a connection, personal and endearing. We had revealed our hearts and found hope, encouragement and strength to go on with our journeys in life. And so I left the salon not only with a fresh haircut but with something precious in my heart. I had experienced a connection, with the joy and support that is inherent in such mutual bonding. I have the feeling that every person needs at least one occurrence of connection every day, one genuine, heartfelt encounter, to feel alive, content and inspired.

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