Monday, September 12, 2011

Entering Varsana

Few places have given me this overwhelming sense of coming home. Varsana is one of them. I was filled with so much joy and delight that day. We payed our respects in the sacred dust. Our group consisted of my mom, my little sister, an old friend of ours, our guide and myself.

As we where making our way toward Sankari Kor savoring every step in that auspicious land, suddenly a noble vraja-basi coming the other way greeted us with a joyful reception.

"Jai Radhe! Welcome!"

He expressed such warm greeting of pleasure and goodwill. I had never met him before but he was treating me with so much kindness and joy.

"Please take prasadam!"

He was carrying two containers. He proceeded to open one which contained sweetrice and then the other with fresh puris. Mom tried to offer him some money in return, but he just smiled and chuckled as he handed me a hot puri with delicious sweetrice. As I was sharing the nectar with the others that mysterious man bid us farewell and soon was gone as sudden as he had appeared.

I may never know the truth of who he was. It may very well have been the spontaneous affection of a kindhearted vraja-basi. But somehow, in the core of my heart, I knew that he was sent by Sri Radha to welcome us home.

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